South Carolina Police accident report

How to Get a Copy of a South Carolina Police Report

Police accident reports are a treasure trove of valuable evidence in a South Carolina car accident claim. The detailed information these reports contain can help you demonstrate how the accident happened and why the other driver should pay you for your injuries. Furthermore, most insurance companies require a copy of the police report for insurance claims. Accordingly, knowing how to obtain incident reports in South Carolina is crucial.

The South Carolina car accident attorneys at Stewart Law Offices can obtain a police report for you. However, if you want to receive the report yourself, you’ll find everything you need to know below.

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How Our Personal Injury Attorneys Use Collision Reports

Our South Carolina car accident lawyers use traffic accident reports to help us:

  • Identify and contact eyewitnesses – Testimony from bystanders who saw what happened is a big help in car accident claims because it provides a neutral perspective of the incident. For example, if an eyewitness saw the driver who hit you talking on the phone or texting, that may indicate that they were distracted, making it easier to prove they caused the crash.
  • Determine what factors contributed to a crash – Police reports often contain detailed information on the conditions at the scene of an accident. This information can help us identify why the incident occurred. For instance, if the road was wet or icy, the other driver should have taken additional precautions to avoid causing a crash. If the other driver didn’t account for weather and road conditions, we can use that evidence to demonstrate their negligence.
  • Ascertain whether police issued a citation – A speeding ticket or other citation can help us establish that the driver who hit you was negligent per se. If the other driver received a citation for speeding, distracted driving, impaired driving, or other dangerous behavior, their violation of a traffic safety law could further demonstrate their liability.

Our legal team has extensive experience using police reports and other evidence to build compelling cases for our clients.

Some of our recent results in car accident cases include*:

  • $9.8 million in compensation for a client injured in a car accident
  • $3.5 million in compensation for a client injured in a semi-truck accident
  • Nearly $1.6 million in compensation for a client injured in a motorcycle crash

These results demonstrate our skill and relentless commitment to our clients. We know what evidence to look for in police reports and how best to use it to support your claim.

Do You Have to Call the Cops After Being Involved in a Car Accident?

South Carolina law requires you to report any accident with injuries or deaths to the police as soon as possible. State law also says you must file a written accident report with the Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) after an accident with injuries, deaths, or more than $1,000 in apparent property damage if the police did not investigate the crash. You must submit this report to the DMV within 15 days of the crash. You can find a copy of the South Carolina crash report form here.

What Is Included in an Accident Report?

You can view a sample version of the police crash report form from the South Carolina Department of Public Safety. These reports contain a wealth of information you can use to support a car accident claim, such as:

  • Names and contact details of individuals involved, along with their vehicle descriptions, such as make, model, year, and
  • Vehicle Identification Numbers
  • Insurance information for each driver, including each driver’s insurance company and policy number, if available
  • The exact location, weather conditions, and road surface conditions at the accident scene
  • The sequence of events in the crash from the perspective of the law enforcement officer, often with a concise narrative and a diagram
  • The names and contact information for any eyewitnesses
  • Any citations the investigating police officer issued and their assessment, including observations of driver impairment or other infractions

Obtaining an Accident Report in Our Service Areas

The easiest way to obtain a police crash report is online through the South Carolina DMV. You’ll need to provide your driver’s license number, Social Security number, and date of birth when you submit your request. You can also complete a copy of the Request for Copy of Collision Report (SCDMV Form FR-50) and mail it to the DMV office. If you choose this option, complete two copies of the form and include a check or money order made out to the South Carolina DMV for $6 with your request.

The mailing address for crash report requests is:

Titles Mail-in Unit FR-50
PO Box 1498
Blythewood, SC 29016-0050

Finally, you can take a completed Form FR-50 to any local South Carolina DMV branch office. You must pay the $6 fee when you submit your check. You can pay this fee using cash, a check or money order, or a credit or debit card.

Here are the locations and phone numbers for some local DMV offices:

  • Rock Hill – 305 Hands Mill Road, Rock Hill, SC 29732 (803) 329-6332
  • Spartanburg – 1625 Southport Road, Spartanburg, SC 29306 (864) 594-4940
  • Columbia – 1630 Shop Rd., Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 737-8350
  • Beaufort – 28 Munch Dr., Beaufort, SC 29906 (843) 379-8822

If you need assistance obtaining a police crash report in South Carolina, our lawyers will gladly assist you. Let us handle this task while you concentrate on your medical treatments and other matters.

Other South Carolina Car Accident Forms

You should have received a green FR-10 Insurance Verification Form from the officer who responded to the car accident. This is not the police report. This is a form that must be submitted to your insurance company as soon as possible, regardless of who was at fault for the crash. It verifies that you have liability insurance as required by South Carolina law.

The FR-10 must be mailed to the S.C. Department of Motor Vehicles (SCDMV) within 15 days of the crash. Your insurance company will submit this form electronically.

Contact Stewart Law Offices for Help

Whether you were in an accident that occurred within Columbia city limits or one that happened elsewhere in South Carolina, the team at Stewart Law Offices can obtain the crash report on your behalf. Using the collision report and other evidence, we can help build a strong case to seek fair compensation for your medical bills and other losses. Call us today or complete our contact form for a free consultation with a car accident lawyer in South Carolina.

Call at 866-783-9278 or contact us online to arrange your free and confidential case review.